Tuesday 5 July 2016

Northern Adventure Day 2 – Port Augusta to Coober Pedy

We left Port Augusta early and set out for a long day of driving, to Coober Pedy. Saw lots of Australian Ravens along the way, as well as a group of emus near Pimba. Our first proper stop was at Lake Hart, where other birders have spotted several species I have yet to tick off. There I saw a pair of blue bonnets, plenty of white-backed swallows, and an Australian Pipit – all lifers for me, although pipits I am sure I’ve seen before, but have never been able to tick off for certain in case it’s something else! Also saw plenty of singing honeyeaters and a pair of white-browed babblers.

Bluebonnets, Lake Hart, SA
White-backed Swallow, Lake Hart, SA
Australian Pipit, Lake Hart, SA

We stopped in Glendambo briefly for lunch, and I spotted a pair of yellow-throated miners in a tree at the roadhouse. On our way to Coober Pedy we spotted some roadkill ahead with a couple of enormous raptors feeding on it – wedge-tailed eagles! One of them flew away as we pulled over, but the other continued feeding, not bothered by me clicking away! Eventually it flew when a truck came past in the opposite direction.

Wedge-tailed Eagle, Stuart Highway, SA

Wedge-tailed Eagle, Stuart Highway, SA

Wedge-tailed Eagle, Stuart Highway, SA

Another favourite spot for birders along the Stuart Highway is the Hutchison Memorial, about 10km south of Coober Pedy. The monument itself is quite small, but there is a large camping area behind it, and birders have recorded quite a lot of birds there. I was hoping to find chestnut-breasted whiteface there, but missed out on those - might have another look on the way home. I did see my first Crimson Chats, a male and two females. Also spotted a brown falcon chasing some prey, a kestrel flying over, and a few willie wag-tails and singing honeyeaters. 

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