Saturday 16 July 2016

Northern Adventure Day 13 – Alice Springs to Marla

After the cold weather of the last couple of days it was not as disappointing to be heading home as I would’ve thought – not that it’s any warmer in Adelaide at the moment! We took our time getting ready and left just after 8:30am. We crossed into South Australia early in the afternoon, and stopped off at a rest stop about 20km south of the border so that I could have a look in the surrounding scrub. Turned out we picked a good spot and I saw a few masked-woodswallows, a lot of black-faced woodswallows, one male crested bellbird, a few crimson chats, and a lone black kite circling quite low above the car park.

Black-faced Woodswallow, few km south of SA-NT border.
Black Kite, few km south of SA-NT border
 We got to Marla just before 3pm, and while we waited for our room to be ready we checked out the start of the Oodnadatta Track.

Once we were checked in, we went for a short drive, only two or three km south of Marla and pulled over and I had a look in the roadside vegetation to see if I could find anything interesting. I came across some Splendid Fairy-wrens, including a few females, at least one eclipse male, and one male in full breeding colour who just would not let me get a picture of him! I also spotted a female red-capped robin who was a bit shy, I played the species call from my phone and within seconds the male had come to check me out and hung out for quite a while, allowing me to get a few decent shots.

Splendid Fairy-wren, Marla, SA.
Red-capped Robin, Marla, SA.
Red-capped Robin, Marla, SA.
After a while we headed back, and later enjoyed a delicious meal at the Marla Roadhouse. 

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