Monday 11 July 2016

Northern Adventure Day 10 - Ormiston Gorge, Serpentine Gorge, Standley Chasm & Simpsons Gap

We slept in a bit this morning compared to yesterday, but we were still off and away by 8am. It took a while to get out to our first stop, but it was well worth it! Ormiston Gorge was a short walk to a waterhole, and it is just beautiful! I would rate it higher than Kings Canyon, far higher, and it was far less busy, and more tranquil. While we were there I saw two more lifers: Major Mitchell's Cockatoos (a bit far away for a decent photo), and Spinifex Pigeon. There was a pair of white-necked herons down by the water, and one of them was fishing for its brunch. We also got great views of a very inquistive mistletoebird, and watched a pied butcherbird terrorize a group of white-plumed honeyeaters.

Spinifex Pigeon, Ormiston Gorge, NT
Major Mitchell's Cockatoo - a bit blurry, but I got one!, Ormiston Gorge, NT
Ormiston Gorge, NT
White-necked Heron, Ormiston Gorge, NT
Mistletoebird, Ormiston Gorge, NT 
Rufous Whistler, Ormiston Gorge, NT
We went for a drive to take in the spectacular scenery of the West Macdonnell Ranges.

West Macdonnell Ranges, NT
The road into Serpentine Gorge was very rough, but we were rewarded with a beautiful waterhole at the end. Not many birds around, but a pair of Torresian Crows came close enough for a good look.

Serpentine Gorge, NT
Serpentine Gorge, NT
Torresian Crow, Serpentine Gorge, NT
We ended the day by visiting Standley Chasm and Simpson's Gap. Both nice walks with nice scenery.

Standley Chasm, NT
Standley Chasm, NT
Simpsons Gap, NT
Simpsons Gap, NT

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