Saturday 16 July 2016

Northern Adventure Day 14 – Marla to Glendambo

Set off from Marla at about 8:15am this morning, still quite chilly. We stopped at a rest stop after about an hour, but saw nothing. We passed a lot of army vehicles heading in the opposite direction on the Stuart Highway. We stopped at Coober Pedy for lunch, and I had a look around on the outskirts of town for birds and found some white-winged fairy-wrens, a black-shouldered kite which appeared to be bothering some black-faced cuckoo-shrikes, a pair of black kites, and a lone grey teal on a small stream.

We headed south out of town for 10km to the Hutchison Memorial site again, hoping to find chestnut-breasted whiteface. I wandered around for about an hour, and found red-capped robins, white-winged fairy-wrens, zebra finches, ravens, and a couple of kestrels and kites. Smaller birds seemed a bit quiet – perhaps because of all of the raptors and ravens hanging around! Again I was unlucky and didn’t find any whiteface, but a brown falcon seemed to sense my disappointment and cheered me up by letting me get quite close to where it was perched in a tree, and then flew down to give me a better look!

We got to our accommodation for the night at Glendambo at 4:30pm and didn’t bother heading out again after that, except over to the restaurant for dinner, where we had a nice meal.

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