Tuesday 12 July 2016

Northern Adventure Day 11 – Alice Springs: Trephina Gorge, Alrtunga Historical Reserve, Telegraph Station and Anzac Hill

The weather turned colder today, and it was very windy. Unfortunately this seemed to send all of the birds into hiding! We headed out to Trephina Gorge first. We did the Creek walk first, which the sign promised to have high bird diversity. We saw a mistletoebird, a pair of hooded robins and some zebra finches, but that’s about it. Then we went in the other direction and did the short gorge walk, then walked along the sandy river bed, but saw nothing but a few white-plumed honeyeaters and a black-faced cuckooshrike who refused to sit still long enough for a photo. The gorge looked quite nice, and I would have liked to have seen it in nicer weather to get a better appreciation for it.
Trephina Gorge, NT
Next we headed out to Alrtunga Historical Reserve. The road was terrible, but we made it and were impressed by the informative visitor centre and displays about the gold mining activity that occurred there, and by the ruins of the old buildings where people used to live and work. They have done an excellent job of restoring a couple of the buildings.

New restoration project anyone? Arltunga Historical Reserve, NT
Steam Engine at old Government Battery Works, Arltunga Historical Reserve, NT
Old Police Station, Arltunga Historical Reserve, NT
 A couple of prisoners were caught trying to escape from the prison cell!

Arltunga Hotel: A pub with no beer :( NT

Back in Alice Springs we visited the Telegraph Station and looked through the buildings there. It seems that the people here in the early days might have had it slightly better than the people at Arltunga, but nowhere near what we have today! The buildings have been well restored and have displays inside them as well. A few galahs, crested pigeons and ringnecks grazing on the grass out the front were the only birds I got photos of all day!
Old Telegraph Station, Alice Springs, NT
Old Telegraph Station, Alice Springs, NT
Old Telegraph Station, Alice Springs, NT
Old Telegraph Station, Alice Springs, NT
Token bird photo for the day: Galahs, Old Telegraph Station, Alice Springs, NT
We ended our day out by driving up Anzac Hill to see the memorial and the view over Alice Springs.

Anzac Memorial, Anzac Hill, Alice Springs, NT
It looks like our run of nice weather has come to an end up here, but we’ll keep trying to find some birds here and on the way home.

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