Friday 17 May 2019

Aldinga Scrub Conservation Park (Fleurieu Birding)

Today I spent another morning off looking for birds - this time in the Aldinga Scrub Conservation Park. I parked at the corner of Acacia Terrace and Quandong Avenue and entered through Gate 12. I walked along the Pinkgum track,  which linked up with the Lacy Coral Lichen Circuit and took me to the main entrance. I saw a couple of kangaroos along that first stretch, but didn't see many birds until I was near the main entrance.
Western Grey Kangaroo, Aldinga Scrub Conservation Park
Western Grey Kangaroo, Aldinga Scrub Conservation Park
The first birds I saw for the day were a pair of Yellow Thornbills, followed by a Weebill, and both Striated and Spotted Pardalotes. 
Yellow Thornbill, Aldinga Scrub Conservation Park
Weebill, Aldinga Scrub Conservation Park
Weebill, Aldinga Scrub Conservation Park
Weebill, Aldinga Scrub Conservation Park
I continued along the Kangaroo Track, and then the Echidna Track - a relatively short circuit for today, but I would love to revisit when I have more time. I saw a few more birds along the way, including a Fan-tailed Cuckoo, which was a great sighting for me, as I haven't seen them often previously. I also had good views of an Eastern Spinebill that wouldn't sit still long enough for a photo. 
Grey Fantail, Aldinga Scrub Conservation Park
Golden Whistler, Aldinga Scrub Conservation Park
Fan-tailed Cuckoo, Aldinga Scrub Conservation Park
Next to the Gate 11 exit, I came across a group of friendly Striated Thornbills. They didn't seem fussed by my presence at all - I stopped a few metres away from them, and they came closer to me. Probably my best ever views and photos of this species. 
Striated Thornbill, Aldinga Scrub Conservation Park
Striated Thornbill, Aldinga Scrub Conservation Park
I spent about 2 hours in the park and got 19 species. Most exciting bird of the day was the Fan-tailed Cuckoo, purely because I haven't seen many before, but the friendliest birds of the day were the Golden Whistler and the Striated Thornbills at the end. It was a lovely day for a walk, and I'm looking forward to my next visit to Aldinga Scrub Conservation Park. 
Grey Shrikethrush, Aldinga Scrub Conservation Park
Bird List:
1. Crested Pigeon
2. Fan-tailed Cuckoo
3. Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo
4. Superb Fairywren
5. Eastern Spinebill
6. Crescent Honeyeater
7. Spotted Pardalote
8. Striated Pardalote
9. Yellow Thornbill
10. Striated Thornbill
11. Weebill
12. Australian Magpie
13. Grey Shrikethrush
14. Golden Whistler
15. Grey Fantail
16. Little Raven
17. Silvereye
18. Mistletoebird
19. House Sparrow

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