Thursday 16 May 2019

Hardy's Scrub, Onkaparinga River National Park (Fleurieu Birding)

Today I took advantage of a morning off and headed to Hardy's Scrub in the Onkaparinga River National Park. I had been to this part of the National Park a couple of times before - the last time was two years ago - and I wanted to revisit it. I drove out through Clarendon, and parked at Gate 19 on Chapel Hill Road. I arrived at 8:30am and stayed for nearly 2 hours. I got a few nice little bush bird species, most of which were too quick or too obscured by vegetation for a photo, but here are a few I did managed to photograph. 
Golden Whistler, Hardy's Scrub
Golden Whistler,  Hardy's Scrub
 Hardy's Scrub
Yellow-faced Honeyeater,  Hardy's Scrub
 Hardy's Scrub
Crescent Honeyeater,  Hardy's Scrub
Crescent Honeyeater,  Hardy's Scrub
While I was away in the South East I decided that I would like to dedicate more time to exploring and birding on the Fleurieu Peninsula, and this morning's outing was my first effort towards this. I don't have any specific goals, just to have a good time and hopefully see some great birds and get some photos :-)

Hardy's Scrub Hike Bird Species List:
1. Galah
2. Adelaide Rosella
3. Red-rumped Parrot
4. Musk Lorikeet 
5. Rainbow Lorikeet 
6. Superb Fairywren
7. Eastern Spinebill
8. Yellow-faced Honeyeater
9. Red Wattlebird
10. Crescent Honeyeater
11. New Holland Honeyeater
12. Striated Pardalote
13. White-browed Scrubwren
14. Brown Thornbill
15. White-browed Babbler 
16. Australian Magpie
17. Grey Currawong
18. Grey Shrikethrush
19. Golden Whistler
20. Grey Fantail
21. Little Raven
22. Silvereye 


  1. Wow quite a variety close to you. Would love to come on a bird trip one day. Sounds like fun.
