Monday 20 May 2019

Byards Road Wetland (Fleurieu Birding)

This morning I visited my local wetlands for the first time in a couple of months. It was nice to see that the previously dry ponds have filled with water again. 
View of Pond 7, Byards Road Wetland 
Pacific Black Ducks
I came across a very friendly magpie, that walked up to me within a metre and stood around for a while. It was not afraid of me at all, I suspect it knows that humans sometimes equal food!
Australian Magpie
White-plumed Honeyeater

I timed my visit perfectly and was lucky to see a flock of Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoos fly over. They landed in the trees on the northern side of the wetland, and eventually took off again and headed west. 

Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo
Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoos
I checked on the resident family of Tawny Frogmouths, and found them right where I had seen them last! Unfortunately the sun was behind them, but I still managed to get some passable shots.
Tawny Frogmouths

I spent about an hour at the wetland and saw 23 species. The weather remained OK while I was there - overcast but mild and not too windy. 
New Holland Honeyeater
For regular updates on this wetland, and species sightings, join our Friends of Byards Road Wetland group on Facebook :-) Thanks for Reading!
Grey Teal
Bird List:
1. Pacific Black Duck
2. Grey Teal
3. Hoary-headed Grebe
4. Rock Dove
5. Spotted Dove
6. Common Bronzewing
7. Crested Pigeon
8. Tawny Frogmouth
9. Dusky Moorhen
10. Eurasian Coot
11. Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo
12. Eastern Rosella
13. Rainbow Lorikeet
14. Noisy Miner
15. Red Wattlebird
16. White-plumed Honeyeater
17. New Holland Honeyeater
18. Australian Magpie
19. Willie Wagtail
20. Magpie-Lark 
21. Little Raven
22. Welcome Swallow
23. Silvereye

1 comment:

  1. Very impressive pictures Alysse, and the page. Lots of success with many pictures of many different birds in many parts of the world. You still have to get some pictures of the superb fairy wrens at Byards Road wetland. We see them down near the bridge at pond nine. :)
