Saturday 16 July 2016

Northern Adventure Day 12 Alice Springs: Cold day out

Our first planned stop for today was the Redbank Waterhole in the Owen Springs Conservation Reserve. As we drove out to Owen Springs it was 6°C, and when we got there, there was no water to be seen! We went for a walk anyway in the freezing wind, and came across a family of seven Grey-crowned Babblers who kept us amused for a while. They are quite noisy, and one of their calls sounds just like a kitten meowing!
Grey-crowned Babblers, Redbank Waterhole, Owen Springs, NT
We went back into town and visited the Olive Pink Botanic Gardens. Again, we had the issue with the cold temperature and the wind and not much was active, but we saw some more babblers and a few other common birds. We were looking for a western bowerbird, as we’d heard that several reside in the gardens. We found one bower, but no bowerbirds!

Bower, Olive Pink Botanic Gardens, Alice Springs, NT.
We decided we probably weren’t going to have much luck anywhere else so just went for a drive around town to see if we could spot any raptors to try and get a photo of. We drove north up to the Tanami Road and back again, and then a few km east out to Emily Gap. We had a look in the trees in the dry Todd River bed near the Ross Highway and found this Whistling Kite.
Whistling Kite, Todd River, Alice Springs, NT.

We ended the day by meeting up with Jim again for a farewell beer, then packed up ready to head home tomorrow! 

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