Thursday 2 June 2016

Search for the bittern

The past 2 weeks have seen birders from all over Adelaide flock to the Oaklands Wetland in search of a rare Australasian Bittern spotted there. Several were lucky to see it, and got some great photos of it flying and peeking out from behind the reeds. Despite four attempts (involving standing, staring at reeds, hoping for any sign of movement for several hours at a time), I was unlucky and have not seen it, and since it has been close to a week since it was last seen there, I think it may have moved on. I did observe the other birds around this beautiful wetland, which is definitely worth a visit, bittern or no bittern!
Rainbow Lorikeet, Oaklands Wetland 
Australasian Swamphen, Oaklands Wetland 
Australasian Grebe, Oaklands Wetland

Pink-eared Duck, Oaklands Wetland

Little Black Cormorant, Oaklands Wetland

Eastern Rosella, Oaklands Wetland

Super rare Pacific Black Duck, Oaklands Wetland

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