Wednesday 29 June 2016

Blue-billed Duck - Perfect test subject for my new camera!

Recently I dropped my camera </3 of course I was devastated, and quickly started researching to find out if I could get it fixed, but as it wasn't an expensive camera to begin with, and I had already been thinking about upgrading, I decided to take the plunge... and go DSLR!!!

I don't really consider myself a photographer - I'm a birder, who likes to take photos of the birds I see, if I can, but it is more important for me to see them and get a real feel for them, rather than getting the perfect photo. For the record, I also like seeing and photographing landscapes, plants, insects and other wildlife, but first and foremost I'm a birder.

So I went for an entry-level DSLR with plenty of good reviews, the Nikon D3300. It came with a 18-55mm kit lens, and fortunately for me, my uncle had a 55-300mm lens he didn't want/need anymore, plus a whole bunch of other accessories, filters, spare batteries etc, so I ended up with a great haul of gear! Also treated myself to a monopod and tripod.

This all happened in the week leading up to exams, so I had to force myself to stay inside and study - the weather wasn't great most days which made it a bit easier to focus!

The day after my exam I went out in the morning in search of a Blue-billed Duck that had been spotted in the Onkaparinga Recreation Park at Seaford. It didn't take long to find the male with his vibrant blue bill, and his duller, but just as lovely, lady friend. They were a bit far out, and there was some foliage blocking my view a lot of the time, so I didn't get any super sharp images, but it was lovely seeing them!

Blue-billed Ducks, Onkaparinga Recreation Park

Blue-billed Ducks, Onkaparinga Recreation Park

Blue-billed Ducks, Onkaparinga Recreation Park

Blue-billed Duck, Onkaparinga Recreation Park
 I also spotted this photogenic little Superb Fairywren and got a few shots. I experimented with Lightroom for the first time when editing these photos. 

Superb Fairy-wren, Onkaparinga Recreation Park

Superb Fairy-wren, Onkaparinga Recreation Park

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