Friday 3 June 2016

Early birder gets the bird!

It can be pretty hard getting out of bed in the morning, especially during winter when it's so cold and it's still dark outside. This morning I had to go over to Happy Valley for a doctor's appointment so I figured I may as well get up earlier and stop at the Byards Road Wetlands on the way. I was kind of hoping I might spot a Southern Boobook as they've been seen there before, but I probably wasn't quite early enough. It was still quite a productive morning, with 27 species, including this Horsfield's Bronze-cuckoo, which seems to be the first record of one at this site!
Horsfield's Bronze-cuckoo, Byards Road Wetlands

Horsfield's Bronze-cuckoo, Byards Road Wetlands
 Also spotted this nice-looking White-faced Heron, and the sky was making some nice reflections on the water.
White-faced Heron, Byards Road Wetlands

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