Thursday 2 June 2016

Laratinga in June

Was lucky to have a nice sunny morning on my day off, so my dad and I headed to the Laratinga Wetlands in Mount Barker - one of my FAVOURITE places to go birding. This is a great spot for many reasons: around 150 bird species have been recorded there! amazing for an area which is not really that big! Also, it is very accessible and easy to get around, and has facilities including toilets and BBQs. The wetlands were constructed in the late 1990s, and have been established like a natural ecosystem. And they really are amazing!

Last time I went to Laratinga I was lucky enough to see a Latham's Snipe, so I was keen to see what else I could find there today. In the end I recorded 34 species, including Rainbow and Musk Lorikeets, New Holland and White-plumed Honeyeater, Grey Shrikethrush, Pink-eared Ducks, Red-browed Firetails, Dusky Woodswallow and others, and the highlights of the day: Freckled Ducks and Australasian Shovelers. Saw about 6 FDs and 8 ASs. Also spotted a turtle sunning itself on a log!

Freckled Duck, Laratinga Wetlands

Freckled Duck, Laratinga Wetlands

Freckled Duck, Laratinga Wetlands

Australasian Shoveler, and Freckled Ducks, Laratinga Wetlands

Common Bronzewing, Laratinga Wetlands

Turtle!! Laratinga Wetlands

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