Friday 7 April 2017

Ecuador 2017 - Riobamba

After a few days in Guayaquil we went to Riobamba, where Criss' husband Paul works and lives. On the way, Criss showed me the paramo environment at about 3500 metres elevation above sea level.
Ecuadorian Paramo, Chimborazo Province

Me and Melany, jumping towards the sky near Colta, Chimborazo Province

Colta, Chimborazo Province
In Riobamba, I met Criss' friend Mayra and stayed in her house for one night. The next morning she took me into the markets in the city. We visited Maldonaldo Park, where I saw my first Rufous-collared Sparrows, Eared Doves and Sparkling Violetear hummingbirds.
Rufous-collared Sparrow, Riobamba

Sparkling Violetear, Riobamba
 The next day, Criss and Paul took me to Chambo, where I added a few more birds to my list.
Brown-backed Chat-tyrant, Chambo

Tyrian Metaltail, Chambo

Great Thrush, Chambo
 In the evening, we drove to a high view point overlooking Riobamba, where we were able to get great views of Chimborazo, the highest mountain in Ecuador, and El Altar, an extinct volcano.
El Altar


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