Thursday 6 April 2017

Ecuador 2017 - Guayaquil

Guayaquil Waterfront, Ecuador
 After 5 airports and 30 hours of flights and layovers, I arrived in Guayaquil, Ecuador. My friend Criss and her daughter Melany picked me up from the airport and took me back to their home. I met Criss while we were studying together in Adelaide and we became good friends, but we hadn't seen each other for just over a year since she and her family returned to Ecuador. 

Criss was very keen for me to try as many of the local fruits as possible during my stay, and within my first day there I had tried achotillos, oritos, tomate de arbol, and uvillas.

The morning after arriving, we went to the University of Guayaquil where Criss works, and I met some of her colleagues. Then we went for a walk along the waterfront next to the university, where there are some remnant mangroves. We saw some great birds there, including the great-tailed grackle, black-crowned night-heron, blue-grey tanager, pacific hornero, snowy egret, Ecuadorian thrush, spotted sandpiper, saffron finch, and Ecuadorian ground dove.
Blue-grey Tanager

Pacific Honero

Ecuadorian Thrush

Neotropic Cormorant

Social Flycatcher

Spotted Sandpiper

Saffron Finch

Ecuadorian Ground Dove
The following day, I was lucky enough to be taken to some spots around Guayaquil by Eduardo, a friend and colleague of Criss. First we went to the Historical Park, which has native wildlife on display, as well as historical buildings, gardens, and some exotic bird species including budgies!! Next we visited the Botanic Gardens, which are on the top of a hill, and have steep and winding paths, but are well worth a visit. Top bird sightings for the day were an Amazilia Hummingbird and Golden-olive Woodpecker in the Histotical Park, and a Squirrel Cuckoo in the Botanic Gardens.
Amazilia Hummingbird

Golden-olive Woodpecker

Historic Park, Guayaquil

Historic Park, Guayaquil

Squirrel Cuckoo, Guayaquil Botanic Gardens
 After spending a few hours in the Historical Park and the Botanic Gardens, we went into the city centre of Guayaquil where we had a delicious seafood lunch, and then went for a walk through the Simon Bolivar Park. I was amazed to see how many iguanas there are in the park, lying on the grass, across the walkways, in the trees, everywhere!
Guayaquil Botanic Gardens

Simon Bolivar Park, Guayaquil

Iguana, Simon Bolivar Park, Guayaquil

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