Thursday 20 April 2017

Ecuador 2017 - Manta

On Sunday, Melany and I caught a bus from Santo Domingo to Manta, where Victor picked us up to stay with him for a few days. He took us for a bit of a tour of the city, and showed us the effects of the 7.8 magnitude earthquake one year ago.

The next morning, I got up early and went birding... from the upper level of Victor's house! There are some nice trees behind the house, where lots of birds were calling. I got a few new ones: Long-tailed Mockingbird, Southern Beardless-Tyrannulet, Collared Antshrike and Pacific Parrotlet, as well as a few better views of species I'd already seen elsewhere.

Long-tailed Mockingbird, Manta

Southern Beardless-Tyrannulet, Manta 

Collared Antshrike, Manta

Croaking Ground Dove, Manta

Eared Dove, Manta
I got to meet Victor's parents, and his two sisters Laura (who I had met in Mindo), and Grace and their children. At Victor's request, I had brought along a jar of Vegemite, and introduced his family to it. I don't think there were any major fans, but some liked it more than others. I thought that I spread it quite thin for them, but apparently an Aussie's opinion of thin Vegemite is still too thick for most people!

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