Saturday 22 April 2017

Ecuador 2017 - Guayaquil again, Parque Forestal, Isla Santay and Cerro Blanco

For the last few days I've been back in Guayaquil. Victor has been here attending a conference, along with our other friend Made, and last night Paul came by bus from Riobamba, so we're all here! On Thursday afternoon, Victor, Made and I were intending to go to Isla Santay, but it was a bit late in the day so we went to Parque Forestal in downtown Guayaquil instead. There were a few iguanas around, and some non-native, domesticated ducks and geese, but more importantly, 3 new species! I saw my first White-winged Parakeets (an introduced species, but still cute!), Black-cheeked Woodpecker, and One-coloured Becard. I also got a nice close look at a Striated Heron and a family of Groove-billed Anis.
Iguana, Parque Forestal, Guayaquil

White-winged Parakeet, Parque Forestal, Guayaquil

Striated Heron, Parque Forestal, Guayaquil

Groove-billed Ani, Parque Forestal, Guayaquil

Iguana, Parque Forestal, Guayaquil
The next morning, Criss, Melany and I visited Isla Santay. The island is in the middle of the Rio Guayas, and there is a bridge connecting it to the mainland. We hired bikes for $4 for up to 3 hours, and rode across the bridge and along the wide boardwalks on the island to an eco village, where we dismounted and went for a walk. There are a few crocodiles in there, and we also got nice views of some Lineated Woodpeckers, and a new species - the Pacific Pygmy-owl! I hadn't ridden a bike for quite a few years and it was really fun, although I was a bit sore afterwards!
Crocodile, Isla Santay

Lineated Woodpecker, Isla Santay

Lineated Woodpecker, Isla Santay

Lineated Woodpecker, Isla Santay

Lineated Woodpecker, Isla Santay

Lineated Woodpecker, Isla Santay

Pacific Pygmy-Owl, Isla Santay

Pacific Pygmy-Owl, Isla Santay
*** Update*** Criss, Paul, Melany and I ended up going to Cerro Blanco during the day today and I saw eight new species!!! 

Scarlet-backed Woodpecker, Cerro Blanco

Golden Grosbeak, Cerro Blanco

Yellow-rumped Cacique, Cerro Blanco

And that's about it for my trip to Ecuador! We're having a relaxing day today and I'm flying home tomorrow, see you soon Australia! 

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