Monday 18 January 2021

Second lifer of 2021! Tolderol and Browns Rd Birding

 Today my dad and I headed down to Tolderol Game Reserve to look for some birds. We saw a total of 30 species, including a Long-toed Stint - a lifer for me! Thanks to Sam Gordon for assistance with ID! We then decided to visit Browns Road, Monarto, where I saw a total of 14 species. No lifers but I did add a few species to the year list, and had a nice close encounter with a Striated Pardalote which landed on a branch less than 2m away! Species list after photos. 

Whiskered Tern, Tolderol

Welcome Swallow, Tolderol

Long-toed Stint, Tolderol 

Red-capped Plover, Tolderol 

Red-necked Stint, Tolderol 

Long-toed Stint and Red-capped Plover, Tolderol 

Striated Pardalote, Browns Rd Monarto

Hooded Robin, Browns Rd Monarto

Purple-backed Fairywren, Browns Rd Monarto

Hooded Robin, Browns Rd Monarto

Yellow Thornbill, Browns Rd Monarto

Year total: 61 species 
Day total: 43 species 

1. Black Swan 
2. Pacific Black Duck 
3. Crested Pigeon 
4. Peaceful Dove
5. Black-tailed Nativehen 
6. White-headed Stilt
7. Masked Lapwing 
8. Red-capped Plover
9. Sharp-tailed Sandpiper 
10. Long-toed Stint 
11. Red-necked Stint 
12. Common Greenshank 
13. Silver Gull 
14. Whiskered Tern 
15. Little Pied Cormorant 
16. Australian Pelican 
17. Australian White Ibis 
18. Straw-necked Ibis 
19. Royal Spoonbill 
20. Swamp Harrier 
21. Australian Hobby 
22. Elegant Parrot 
23. Rainbow Lorikeet 
24. Purple-backed Fairywren 
25. Superb Fairywren 
26. Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater 
27. Red Wattlebird 
28. White-plumed Honeyeater 
29. White-fronted Chat 
30. New Holland Honeyeater 
31. Striated Pardalote 
32. Yellow Thornbill 
33. Weebill 
34. Southern Whiteface 
35. Grey Shrikethrush 
36. Australian Magpie 
37. Magpie-lark 
38. White-winged Chough 
39. Hooded Robin 
40. Golden-headed Cisticola 
41. Australian Reed Warbler 
42. Welcome Swallow 
43. Silvereye 

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