Tuesday 5 January 2021

Boobooks and Kookaburras: Oaklands Wetland and Reserve Jan 2021

This morning I made a quick visit to Oaklands Wetland and Reserve on my way to work. I had seen on Facebook that people were reporting seeing a family of Southern Boobooks residing in the park. Upon arriving, I quickly found a pair of roosting Boobooks, and another solo one in a different tree. Excellent year tick for me as I haven’t seen these very often previously. This one had a peek at me, but didn’t seem fussed by my presence. 
Southern Boobook, Oaklands Wetland Reserve

After admiring the owls for a short while, I wandered off to see what else I could spot. I could hear a kookaburra somewhere nearby, and I soon found them. A pair of adults were taking turns to feed their rather large baby. A kind local lady was there feeding the birds, and had some insectivore mix which the Kookas seemed to enjoy. 
Laughing Kookaburras (Juvenile on left), Oaklands Wetland Reserve

Other birds present at the wetlands included the usual magpies, swamphens, moorhens, and a slightly less common sighting for me - 3 Little Black Cormorants. Altogether I saw 18 species, and possibly would have seen more if I had not had to rush off to work! I will definitely revisit this place soon. 
Dusky Moorhen, Oaklands Wetland Reserve

Little Black Cormorant, Oaklands Wetland Reserve

Year to date total: 18 species (this was my first list of the year!)
Day total: 18 species 

Birds seen today:
1. Australian Wood Duck 
2. Pacific Black Duck 
3. Crested Pigeon 
4. Dusky Moorhen 
5. Eurasian Coot 
6. Australasian Swamphen
7. Masked Lapwing 
8. Silver Gull 
9. Little Black Cormorant 
10. Southern Boobook
11. Laughing Kookaburra 
12. Galah 
13. Sulphur-crested Cockatoo 
14. Rainbow Lorikeet 
15. Noisy Miner 
16. Red Wattlebird 
17. Australian Magpie 
18. Magpie-lark

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