Tuesday 13 February 2018

Tolderol Feb 2018

This morning I made the trip to Tolderol to look for a few birds that have been seen recently. Although I ended up missing most of what I was looking for - No Ruff or Black-tailed Godwit for me! - Just before the entry gate I spotted something special for me - an Australian Hobby. I thought I had one on my most recent visit, which turned out to be a Brown Falcon in disguise, pointed out to me by Sam Gordon :-( However, there was no mistaking this one today. This friendly little bird was perched on a fence post as we approached and made no effort to leave despite me clicking away taking photos, and in the end it was still there when we drove on!

Australian Hobby, Tolderol Game Reserve, SA

Australian Hobby, Tolderol Game Reserve, SA

Australian Hobby, Tolderol Game Reserve, SA
 I recorded 42 species in about 2.5 hours. Aside from the super star of the day, the Hobby, notable species for me included a Pectoral Sandpiper - a species I've probably seen before but not well enough to add to my life list, today I got a better look - and Glossy Ibis, an uncommon visitor to the Fleurieu Peninsula I believe, and one I've only seen a few times before. Most I didn't get photos of as they were beyond the limit of my camera lens, or just too quick for me, but here's a few that I did get!
Nankeen Kestrel, Tolderol Game Reserve, SA

Golden-headed Cisticola, Tolderol Game Reserve, SA

Golden-headed Cisticola, Tolderol Game Reserve, SA

Australian Spotted Crake, Tolderol Game Reserve, SA

After Tolderol we headed around to the Murray Mouth and Goolwa Barrage, but didn't see much of note except my first Pied Oystercatchers of the year. 

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