Saturday 6 January 2018

Tawny's and more - one hot day

With hot weather forecast for this Saturday, Teresa and I originally planned to head down to Tolderol for another look. In the end we decided not to risk the snakes and potential grass fires from the hot car, so we went to visit a few of her (and my!) favourites. First we headed to McLaren Vale to check on a few of her known Tawny Frogmouth families. We found 3 lots altogether, including one family of 4, a single dad on a new nest, and a pair of adults. We revisited the family of 4 later in the day for better lighting for photos!

Tawny Frogmouths, McLaren Vale, SA

Tawny Frogmouths, McLaren Vale, SA

Tawny Frogmouth (juvenile), McLaren Vale, SA

Tawny Frogmouths, McLaren Vale, SA

Tawny Frogmouth (juvenile), McLaren Vale, SA

Tawny Frogmouths (male) on nest, McLaren Vale, SA

Tawny Frogmouth, McLaren Vale, SA

Tawny Frogmouth, McLaren Vale, SA
At the first Tawny site I also saw my first European Goldfinches for 2018.
European Goldfinch, McLaren Vale, SA
Next we headed down to Blockers Road at Myponga to see if we could find a Latham's Snipe that has been residing there. If I didn't know where to look I would've missed it, but luckily I had the snipe whisperer with me and we found it fairly quickly!

Latham's Snipe, Myponga, SA
From there we headed on to Dunn's Lagoon at Finniss to look for a White-necked Heron, but sipped on that one. We went on to Beacon 19 at Goolwa and found a few waders including my first Curlew Sandpiper and Common Greenshank of 2018, bringing me to 83 species for the year so far. It was a great day out, I think we managed to avoid getting (more) sunburned, and the highlight was seeing those young Tawnys - so gorgeous!

Curlew Sandpiper, Goolwa, SA

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