Monday 7 January 2019

Monarto and Laratinga Jan 2019

This morning my dad and I went for a drive to the woodlands on Browns Road at Monarto. We have been there several times before, with mixed results, but there is usually at least a few birds around that we don't get closer to home. We didn't get there until about 9am - after bird rush hour, but there was still a bit of bird activity, and I soon picked up Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater, Peaceful Dove, Purple-crowned Lorikeet, Brown Treecreeper, Grey Shrikethrush, Diamond Firetail and Purple-backed Fairy-wren (formerly Variegated - still getting used to this name!).

Rufous Whistler, Browns Road, Monarto, SA

Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater, Browns Road, Monarto, SA

Diamond Firetail, Browns Road, Monarto, SA

Diamond Firetail, Browns Road, Monarto, SA
 We were there for over an hour, and still hadn't seen my favourite bird that I had hoped might be there, so we drove a bit further down the road to a creek where we have seen them previously. Luckily, we found a pair - of Rainbow Bee-eaters. This guy was particularly obliging and posed for a while. lunch in beak, and allowed me to snap away. 
Rainbow Bee-eater, Frahns Farm Road, Monarto, SA

Rainbow Bee-eater, Frahns Farm Road, Monarto, SA

Rainbow Bee-eater, Frahns Farm Road, Monarto, SA
 After spending a bit of time with the bee-eaters, we headed to Laratinga Wetlands at Mount Barker. There I spotted a few new ducks for the year - Pink-eared Duck, Australasian Shoveler, Chestnut Teal - as well as Australian (Spotted) and Baillon's Crakes.
Australian Reed Warbler, Laratinga Wetlands, Mount Barker, SA

Laratinga Wetlands, Mount Barker, SA
 Several duck species were seen, including: Grey Teal, Hardhead, Pink-eared Duck, Australasian Shoveler, Pacific Black Duck and Chestnut Teal.
Assortment of ducks, Laratinga Wetlands, Mount Barker, SA

Chestnut Teal, Laratinga Wetlands, Mount Barker, SA

Baillon's Crake, Laratinga Wetlands, Mount Barker, SA
 I think this one knew I was watching!
Australian Spotted Crake, Laratinga Wetlands, Mount Barker, SA

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