Friday 19 October 2018

Innes National Park and the Yorke Peninsula

Pelicans, Marion Bay SA
Last weekend we braved the bad weather forecast and went to the Yorke Peninsula. We had been wanting to visit Innes NP for a long time, and took the opportunity on a now rare weekend off. We set off early on Saturday morning and stopped off at Minlaton and had a look at St Benedicts Church. My great-great grandfather Christopher Marlow was involved in the building of this church in 1886, so it is particularly interesting to me - and it has changed a bit over time!

Historical image from

We also visited Point Turton, and got some nice views and the best weather of the trip!

Point Turton SA

Point Turton SA
We arrived at Marion Bay at around midday, and went for a drive in Innes National Park. For anyone planning to visit, this park does have an entry fee which you can pay online before you go, or at the visitor centre on arrival. We saw a lot of emus in the park, including this cute family.

Emu family, Innes NP, SA
We didn't see a lot of birds unfortunately, probably due to the weather, which was windy and/or wet for most of the time we were there, but did manage a total of 38 species during our visit. We enjoyed all of the beautiful coastal views, exploring the historical town of Inneston, and walking the Royston Head Hike.
Australasian Pipit, Innes NP, SA

Former Bakery Site, Inneston, Innes NP, SA

Striated Pardalote, Innes NP

Shingleback Lizard, Innes NP, SA

Bee on a Pigface flower, Innes NP, SA
We chose to do the Royston Head Hike on the off chance that we might get lucky and find a Western Whipbird, but none were to be found. We were rewarded with stunning views, and several Rock Parrots flitting around at the lookout. 

Rock Parrot, Innes NP, SA
We went on to visit Cape Spencer Lighthouse, Browns Beach, and the wreck of the Ethel.
Cape Spencer Lighthouse

Innes NP, SA

Seat with a view, Cape Spencer, Innes NP, SA

Browns Beach, Innes NP, SA

Shepherds Hut, Innes NP, SA
Another bee pic... just because they're cool.
Anchor of the Ethel, Innes NP, SA
We drove home on a different route, via Edithburgh where we checked out the museum. It had a lot of historical artefacts and information on the salt industry.
Mural at the Edithburgh Museum, SA
We eventually got home, and Luna was pretty keen to check out the photos from the trip - she wouldn't even wait for me to upload them, she tried to shove her face into the lens hood! 

Good trip overall, not so much for the birding though! We would love to revisit in better weather! On Sunday afternoon there was a massive there was a massive thunderstorm, and there was quite a lot of rain. We knew this was predicted going over there, but it was either take a chance and go now, or wait until some time next year! We didn't see any lifer birds, but did see a few I've only seen once or twice before; Fairy Tern (Thanks to Teresa telling me to go out onto the beach from the caravan park, and there they were!), Eastern Reef Egret, Rock Parrot, and Purple-gaped Honeyeater.

Bird List (38 Species):
Rock Dove *
Common Bronzewing
Black-tailed Native-hen
Sooty Oystercatcher
Masked Lapwing
Red-capped Plover
Hooded Plover
Silver Gull
Pacific Gull
Fairy Tern
Caspian Tern
Crested Tern
Little Pied Cormorant
Black-faced Cormorant
Australian Pelican
Eastern Reef Egret
Rock Parrot
Rainbow Lorikeet
Purple-gaped Honeyeater
Red Wattlebird
Singing Honeyeater
Tawny-crowned Honeyeater
New Holland Honeyeater
Striated Pardalote
White-browed Scrubwren
Australian Magpie
Magpie Lark
Grey Currawong
Golden Whistler
Willie Wagtail
Little Raven
Welcome Swallow
Common Blackbird *
Australasian Pipit
House Sparrow *

(*introduced species)

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