Saturday 19 May 2018

Longreach Trip 2018 – Part 4: Longreach

When planning this trip, my dad had always wanted to see this part of the country, and also to visit the Stockman’s Hall of Fame and Qantas Founders Museum, and all of our other stops just fell into place around that! So finally, 11 days into our trip, we arrived in Longreach, our original main destination. We’d made good time, so once we had checked in to the caravan park and set up the camper trailed, we decided to make use of the afternoon by visiting the Stockman’s Hall of Fame. The museum is quite interesting with a lot of history of that part of our country, and we spent 2-3 hours wandering around looking at and reading the different displays, and watching a few short movies. 

Merchant Cart, Stockman's Hall of Fame, Longreach, QLD

Stockman's Hall of Fame, Longreach, QLD

The next day we went to the Qantas Founders Museum, and we both found this museum even better than the Stockman’s. Neither of us had any idea about how QANTAS started up, all of the trials and tribulations of those early years, and we just found it really interesting. We spent about 3 hours or so there and then looked around town for a bit, before returning to camp to get ready for our evening out. 
Soldier's uniform and medals, Qantas Founders Museum, Longreach, QLD

Model T Ford, Qantas Founders Museum, Longreach, QLD
 This was one of the many great, informative displays that give an insight into how tough life was in those days, and how tough the people were!
 Qantas Founders Museum, Longreach, QLD

Qantas Founders Museum, Longreach, QLD
 It's hard to imagine that the Qantas we know today started as a regional air service doing a mail run and short passenger rides in planes like this! 

Qantas Founders Museum, Longreach, QLD

Qantas Founders Museum, Longreach, QLD
 I managed to squeeze in some birding at the museum when I noticed this little fluffball sitting on a propeller! 

Black-faced Woodswallow on a Catalina propeller, Qantas Founders Museum, Longreach, QLD

Qantas Founders Museum, Longreach, QLD
 Before we left for our trip, we bought a Longreach Legends Pass through Outback Aussie Tours, which in addition to entry to both museums, also included the Drover’s Sunset Cruise and Smithy’s Outback Dinner & Live Show. This was a real trip highlight for us. We were picked up from the caravan in a tour coach and taken the short distance to the edge of the Thomson River, where we boarded the cruise boat. On board, the captain kept up a running commentary on the surroundings, wildlife and history of the area, pointing out things of interest along the way. The captain’s wife and second mate was also busy on board, serving nibbles and drinks, and doing all the things second mates do to operate the boat.

Thomson River, Longreach, QLD

Thomson River, Longreach, QLD

White-necked Heron, Thomson River, Longreach, QLD
We stopped at a suitable spot to view the sunset, where they sprinkled some crushed up Sao biscuits at the water’s edge, which attracted some Emmett’s Short-necked turtles. These turtles are apparently an endemic species to this river.
Emmett’s Short-necked turtle, Thomson River, Longreach, QLD

Thomson River, Longreach, QLD
 After viewing the gorgeous orange sunset, the boat headed back to Smithy’s place for dinner. Our entertainer for the evening was Doug Stuart, a great country singer who kept us all laughing and singing along all night. The food was really good too – to keep things efficient, they operate in an alternate drop. Main was barramundi or lamb, and dessert was apple & custard pie or cheesecake. I got the barramundi and the apple pie, and my dad had the other two. Delicious! Then everyone had damper with golden syrup and billy tea. It was a really good night, and I highly recommended it to anyone heading up this way!
Doug Stuart entertaining diners at Smithy's, Longreach, QLD

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