Thursday 8 March 2018

Port Clinton Shorebird Weekend

Last weekend my sister Erin and I travelled to Port Clinton on the Yorke Peninsula of South Australia. I attended a Craig Greer Photography Workshop to get some instruction on shorebird photography. The session was a lot of fun, involving getting down and dirty in the wet sand to stealthily approach these birds. Craig explained the different settings used to get good quality photos, and I got a lot of practice, taking nearly 2,000 photos on continuous shooting mode! While we were on the beach an Osprey flew over - my first for the year and only my second sighting ever! There were good numbers of Curlew Sandpipers, Red-necked Stints, Red-capped Plovers, Pied Oystercatchers, and a couple of Sooty Oystercatchers, my first of the year. 

The next morning I walked back along the beach to where we did the workshop and spent a couple of hours photographing birds. There was also a couple there doing a Shorebird 2020 count. I spoke to them for a while and they helped to identify Greater Sand Plovers and Red Knots, two lifers for me! We saw a group of Bar-tailed Godwits. 

On the way back to Adelaide, Erin and I took some back roads to find some geocaches, and along the way I picked up my first Dusky Woodswallows and Tree Martins for the year. These sightings brought my SA 2018 total up to 139 species and Aus life total up to 305 species. 

Red-necked Stint, Port Clinton, SA

Pacific Gull, Port Clinton, SA

Crested Tern and Silver Gulls, Port Clinton, SA

Pied Oystercatchers, Port Clinton, SA

Ruddy Turnstone, Port Clinton, SA

Port Clinton, SA

Pied Oystercatcher, Port Clinton, SA

Red-necked Stint, Port Clinton, SA

Curlew Sandpiper, Port Clinton, SA

Curlew Sandpipers, Port Clinton, SA

Red-capped Plover, Port Clinton, SA

Red-capped Plover, Port Clinton, SA

Grey Plover, Port Clinton, SA

Greater Sand Plover, Port Clinton, SA

Greater Sand Plover, Port Clinton, SA

Greater Sand Plover, Port Clinton, SA

Bar-tailed Godwits, Port Clinton, SA

Red Knot,  Port Clinton, SA

Tree Martin,  Port Clinton, SA

Tree Martin,  Port Clinton, SA

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