Tuesday 25 July 2017

Onkaparinga River National Park - July 2017

This morning I went for a long walk in the Onkaparinga River National Park. It was a bit cold, and quite overcast, but luckily for me it didn't rain! The Sundews car park was closed for upgrades (including a new toilet and picnic area according to the website!), so I parked at the next gate and did the Echidna Hike including the extra bit to the waterfall lookout, and the Nature Hike. I hadn't done the Echidna Hike before, so that was a new one for me, and it was really nice. Usually I do the Gorge Trail, but I decided to take it easy today as that one is quite steep! 

I had a nice encounter with a Spotted Pardalote, which was collecting material for her nest, and saw her partner nearby. I saw lots of New Holland Honeyeaters, Red Wattlebirds and Little Ravens, as well as Galahs, Adelaide Rosellas, Rainbow Lorikeets, Spinebills, Brown and Striated Thornbills, Crescent and Yellow-faced Honeyeaters and a single Mistletoebird. Near the "waterfall" (which was a small trickle) I saw Fan-tailed Cuckoos and Horsfield's Bronze Cuckoos, both of which I don't see very often, and the HBC was my first one for the year, so I'm now on 160 species in SA for the year. I also saw a pair of kangaroos (usually I see a lot more kangaroos in this park) and 2 koalas (which I never usually see in this park!).

Spotted Pardalote, Onkaparinga River National Park

Spotted Pardalote, Onkaparinga River National Park

Spotted Pardalote, Onkaparinga River National Park

Striated Thornbill, Onkaparinga River National Park

New Holland Honeyeater, Onkaparinga River National Park

Grey Fantail, Onkaparinga River National Park

Mistletoebird, Onkaparinga River National Park

Crescent Honeyeater, Onkaparinga River National Park

Crescent Honeyeater, Onkaparinga River National Park

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