Tuesday 15 March 2016

First 3 "lifers" of 2016

For those non-birders, lifers are species that I've never seen before, so a sighting means an addition to my life list - but that's probably fairly obvious!

So far this year I've seen 3 lifers:

The Pied Butcherbird and Nankeen Night Heron were seen on a trip to the Riverland with my dad.
Pied Butcherbird, Waikerie, February 2016
Nankeen Night Heron, Murray River, Loch Luna Cruises, February 2016

This Latham's Snipe was seen at the Laratinga Wetlands at Mount Barker. Not great pics, as it was far out, and it moved when I got a bit closer, but definitely enough to ID it.
Latham's Snipe, Laratinga Wetlands, March 2016
Latham's Snipe, Laratinga Wetlands, March 2016
 I was pretty stoked with all three of these new additions to my life life, and hope to add many more this year, as well as seeing some species that I haven't seen for a while, such as some of the smaller bush birds, and some migratory shore birds that I missed seeing this summer, I'll see them when they return!

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