Sunday 5 September 2021

Byards Road Wetlands - Early Spring 2021

The weather is starting to get a bit warmer, and the days a bit longer. There is still plenty of water filling the ponds. The birds were out and active today, with flocks of Lorikeets and Galahs flying around, and New Holland Honeyeaters and Noisy Miners were aggressively defending their territories, and perhaps nests!? 

Little Pied Cormorant 

Australian Wood Duck 

Grey Currawong 

21 bird species today:

Australian Wood Duck 

Pacific Black Duck 

Grey Teal

Australasian Grebe 

Spotted Dove 

Dusky Moorhen 

Eurasian Coot 

Australasian Swamphen

Little Pied Cormorant 

White-faced Heron 


Musk Lorikeet 

Rainbow Lorikeet 

Noisy Miner

Red Wattlebird 

New Holland Honeyeater 

Australian Magpie 

Grey Currawong 


Australian Reed Warbler 

Welcome Swallow