Monday 23 November 2020

Spirit of the Coorong Cruise November 2020

Last Wednesday my dad and I went out on the Spirit of the Coorong cruise for the day. Departing from the wharf next to the Hindmarsh Island bridge, we passed through the Goolwa Barrage, where we saw many cormorants and pelicans, and a couple of Long-nosed Fur Seals. We travelled through the Coorong National Park, stopping at Barker’s Knoll, where we went for a walk through the sand dunes to the ocean beach. We sampled local Goolwa Pipis, and enjoyed a lunch Of cold meat and salads on board the boat. Throughout the cruise, the excellent guides identified birds they spotted, and told us about the history of the area, pointing out significant sites along the way. We learned about the Ngarrindjeri - the traditional owners of this whole area, the early European explorers and settlers, and the filming of the movie Storm Boy, both the original movie and the recent remake.

We travelled as far as “Cattle Point”, where about half of the tour group departed the boat again to go for another walk in the dunes and watch our guide find fresh water in the dunes. We opted to stay on the boat as it was quite hot and the dunes here were quite steep! After this second shore excursion, we headed back towards Goolwa. We really enjoyed the cruise, the guides were excellent - very well informed and good story tellers, and kept everyone calm and everything running smoothly when the news about the SA lockdown hit and a few people started getting anxious. Would highly recommend this company and this cruise! Bird list at the bottom after photos.

Black-faced Cormorant 

Fairy Tern 

Cape Barren Geese 

Cape Barren Geese 

Red-necked Stint (bottom left), Great Cormorant, blurry Black Swan and Sandpiper 

Black-faced Cormorant 

Australian Pelican 

 Coorong Emu

Walk to the ocean beach at Barker’s Knoll

Our cruise boat 

Trying the Goolwa Pipis

Australian Shelduck 

Delicious and filling lunch provided onboard 



Australian Pied Oystercatcher

Crested Tern 

Whiskered Tern 


Kangaroo with Joey in pouch 

Long-nosed Fur Seal hanging out on the Goolwa Barrage 

1. Emu
2. Cape Barren Goose
3. Black Swan 
4. Australian Shelduck 
5. Grey Teal 
6. Chestnut Teal 
7. Red-necked Avocet 
8. Australian Pied Oystercatcher
9. Masked Lapwing 
10. Sharp-tailed Sandpiper
11. Red-necked Stint
12. Common Greenshank
13. Silver Gull 
14. Pacific Gull 
15. Fairy Tern 
16. Caspian Tern 
17. Whiskered Tern 
18. Crested Tern 
19. Little Pied Cormorant 
20. Great Cormorant 
21. Little Black Cormorant 
22. Pied Cormorant 
23. Black-faced Cormorant 
24. Australian Pelican 
25. Great Egret 
26. Australian White Ibis 
27. Straw-necked Ibis 
28. Royal Spoonbill 
29. Little Raven 
30. Welcome Swallow