Friday 22 February 2019

Adelaide Zoo Adventure - February 2019

On Tuesday, a few of my work buddies and I took advantage of a day off to visit Adelaide Zoo. We got there early, and thanks to the advice of the man at admissions, we went straight to the panda enclosure, where Wang Wang was very active and we were treated to great views of him.

My zoo adventure buddies: Nicohle, Chelsey, Lisa and Miss B
Miss B had a fantastic day, but we think the pandas were her favourite animals of the day. She especially loved the panda statues.

We saw plenty of Australian native animals, including koalas, kangaroos and wallabies, emu, echidna, possums, and bandicoots.

We spent a while with the meerkats, and got close up views of young meerkats play-fighting, and a young meerkat feeding from it's mum.

There seem to be at least three different meerkat areas (unless we just kept walking past the same one!), and one of them was home to a special meerkat which is gradually losing pigmentation and turning white!

I practiced my photography skills (soon to be improved!) on the rest of the zoo residents.

The camera did a great job of ignoring the cage wire on this one! It looks like it's right there in front of me!
Golden Pheasant, Adelaide Zoo 

The children's petting zoo is one of my FAVOURITE parts of the zoo, because: QUOKKAS!! These are my favourite Australian mammal, I just love their sweet little faces, they're absolutely adorable! Needless to say, we spent a while here :-D

The gibbons were very active and playful when we visited, and also spent a while grooming each other.

Miss B shows off her fancy sunnies - and her mouthful of sultanas! 

Chelsey and Nicohle had to leave early, but Lisa and I, and a sleepy Miss B stuck around for a while longer. We watched the Pelican feeding in the afternoon, and tried to pick out the stars from the new Storm Boy movie. There is a sign stating the leg band colours of the two famous pelicans.

We went for a walk through the aviaries (probably best done after our bird-phobic friend had left), where were saw some rainforest and wetland species.

Superb Lyrebird, Adelaide Zoo 

Buff-banded Rail, Adelaide Zoo 

Blue-winged Kookaburra, Adelaide Zoo 
 We revisited the tiger enclosure, as it had been hiding earlier, and we were in luck - it had moved to a very prominent spot!

On the way out, we visited Miss B's favourite animals again.