Monday, 13 January 2025

Whicker Road Wetlands and Thompsons Beach - Jan 2025

In the first two weeks of January 2025 I have seen 74 species, across five different LGAs in South Australia. I have been a bit held back by an injury, but I am keen to see as much as I can without walking too far. Next weekend I will be off on my first trip of the year, down to the southeast of the state.

I have had a couple of nice local-ish birding sessions already this year - one at Whicker Road Wetlands in Gillman, and another at Thompson Beach in the Adelaide International Bird Sanctuary at Dublin.

I was elated to come across Great Crested Grebe and White-winged Fairywren at Whicker Road, and Elegant Parrot, Bar-tailed Godwit, Curlew Sandpiper, and both Pied and Sooty Oystercatchers at Thompson Beach, among other species.

Looking forward to seeing what else I can find!

Australian Pelican and Black Swan

Great Crested Grebe

White-winged Fairywren

Elegant Parrot

Red-knees Dotterels

Red-capped Plover

Pacific Gull

Mostly Little Pied Cormorants, a few Pied, and a Sooty Oystercatcher

Bar-tailed Godwits

Curlew Sandpiper

Crested Terns

Thursday, 2 January 2025

New Birding Year: 2025

After not spending much time at all birding over the last few years, I have recently gotten back into it and decided to do my own “SA birding big year” in 2025. I’m not trying to break anyone else’s records (of 400+ birds in a year), just my own previous record, of 203 species, in South Australia in one year. 

I also set myself the goals of submitting 200 checklists to eBird, and birding in 40 different LGAs, including 10 that I haven’t recorded checklists in previously. I’ll also try to increase my life list for the Onkaparinga LGA (currently on 123 species).

 I visited Byards Road Wetland after work to start off my 2025 birding year! I found 30 species, including the birds pictured below. It was a beautiful evening with perfect lighting. One of the first few birds I saw was a black-faced cuckoo-shrike - one I don’t see super regularly, so that was a great start. There was a large group of Swamphens, including several juveniles which were friendly and approached me on the bank. It was also nice to see a few Royal Spoonbills feeding in the far pond. A large flock of corellas flew overhead and congregated in a tree on the adjacent school oval, and I was able to see a few of them, clearly enough to make out that they were Long-billed Corellas, common visitors in this area. A couple of little birds flitting around in the trees between the ponds turned out to be a Silvereye and a Red-browed Firetail.

Very pleased with my first birding outing in 2025 and can’t wait to see more! I have got a few trips planned this year, starting with a trip to the south east in a few weeks time.

Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike 

Spotted Dove

Superb Fairy-wren

Australasian Swamphen

Australasian Swamphen juvenile

Grey Teal

Australian Spotted Crake

Little Pied and Little Black Cormorants

Australian Magpie

Crested Pigeon

Masked Lapwing


Dusky Moorhen

Sunday, 29 December 2024

2024 Birds

Birding has always been a part of my life but it hasn’t been a primary focus over the last few years. I have plans to dedicate a lot more time to it in 2025, including travelling to some places I haven’t been to before, and seeking out some species that have eluded me in the past. 

In the first half of this year I went on a failed cruise - the ship’s engine broke down and we only made it to one island in New Caledonia before heading back to Sydney early. My dad and I decided to go to Canberra for a few days to make something out of our time in the east, and I was able to spending a few days visiting a few spots there including the Jerrabomberra wetlands, National Botanic Gardens, and the arboretum. 

Aside from that trip, I spent a little time birding at local wetlands. I ended up seeing 89 species this year, including 70 in SA. 

Monday, 24 April 2023

Wetlands in Autumn 2023

It has been a long time since my last post here, life got in the way!  I recently visited Oaklands Road Wetland and Brodie Road Wetland and took a few photos. It was nice to see a Royal Spoonbill and several other birds.